“Our Story”

Our family has quite a unique story. Coming from a broken family where love was not the focus. When starting a family, I always vowed that I would create a family full of the love and good values that I never had and that are slowly dissipating in this fast-developing world. When I had my son, my world changed in more ways than one. I was exposed to the strongest love I had ever known, and I wanted to do anything and everything in my power to protect it. As a child I never knew what it was like to have a go-to lovey and/or security blanket for comfort, nor did I fully understand the idea until my son was born. 

A good friend’s mother made a special blanket for my son which she has done for numerous children dear to her, throughout the years. I knew there was something special, the way it was made, hand stitched and what set it apart from all the rest was that it was lined with a soft silk–like material. I of course loved the gesture and thought it was the most magnificent blanket that I have seen after shopping for tons of baby items as a new mom. The only down fall was that it was larger than crib size, which was perfect for the crib, but not to carry around. As my son grew, this blanket went EVERYWHERE, in the car, to the park, the grocery store, daycare, to bed, any trip we went on and any place we went blankey was always in company. His love grew and grew for this blanket which eventually seemed to become a part of the family, instead of an it, we found ourselves referring to it as a “him”. Eventually there was a lot of wear and tear from carrying and dragging it around as well as washing it so often. As time went on, the stitches that attached the silk lining on the blanket slowly started to come out resulting in the silk dangling off the blanket. The more stitches that came out the longer the strip of silk got. One day my son then asked me if I could cut the silk off his blanket so he could carry it around instead of lugging around his blanket. At this point I realized even as an infant he would only stroke the silk-like edge for comfort, not the soft fabric the blanket was mostly made of. A light bulb went off in my head! Why have we been carrying around this HUGE blanket when he is mostly attached to the soft silk-like edge for comfort? I cut off the strip of silk and my son, STILL carries it everywhere just like he had done with the blanket, except instead of blankey he calls him Sulky. When my son was younger, I would try and correct him and tell him it was a strip of silk, and he would insist on it being called “Sulky”. It is easier for him to carry place to place or roll up and put in his pocket for safe keeping. We ended up losing Sulky at some point, so, of course I searched and searched frantically for a product like it, and we could not find anything. There were other sides of the blanket that had silk just starting to unstitch, so I undid a couple more stitches making it long enough creating Sulky #2.